Welcome to Valley Road School. On this website you will find a range of information including the curriculum, unique activities as well as the values and beliefs we hold about education.
We hope you will find the information both interesting and informative and will encourage you to come and visit the school in person. We are very proud of our school and all the members of our community who contribute to its success.
In March 2022, the school underwent an OFSTED Inspection. We are pleased to include the following phrases from their report.
Family is what springs to mind when observing how adults and pupils are together. Caring relationships lie at the heart of Valley Road. Leaders make sure that pupils’ individual personalities are brought to the fore. Pupils are eloquent and zestful. They eagerly welcome visitors and can talk at length about how they enjoy learning.
The core subjects are of high quality. Here, leaders are crystal clear about what teachers need to do. They have trained all staff to deliver the curriculum extremely well.
Leaders do not use a label as a reason for lowering ambition They ensure that assessment is carried out are robust when identifying possible learning barriers. In lessons, adults use consistent strategies and approaches to enable pupils with SEND to learn the curriculum well.

If you would like to read the report in full, it can be found in the Key Information section of this site. You can also view the tables sharing the school achievement and progress by clicking here for the DFE website.
This site is aimed primarily at prospective parents. If there is something you wish to find but is not on the site then let us know and we will be happy to assist you. We no longer publish a prospectus as all the information is now on this website. If you require to know anything else, please ring the school and we will be happy to help you.
Tim Coulson