Valley Road Primary School


A Governing Body consists of a group of people from the local community, from all walks of life, who bring with them different viewpoints, experiences, knowledge, skills and ideas. They may be parents, staff at the school, local residents or representatives of local businesses, who work together as a team, with the Headteacher and the leadership team to ensure that the school provides their pupils with the best possible education - and constantly strives to improve.

Governing Body Mission

To provide a happy, friendly, caring and stimulating environment where children grow in self-esteem and achieve their full potential, by:

  • Working with the school to set VRS’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent
  • Ensuring the school is accountable to all stakeholders.

Elected governors serve a four-year term of office, which can be renewed after this period. The Chair of Governors is elected annually. Any parent having a child in school is eligible for nomination as a Parent Governors.

Appointing Body Instrument of Government

Current Governors

Name Governor Category Appointing Body Position / Responsibilities Term of Office Ends Attendance 22/23
Dan Herbert Co-opted Governing Body Deputy chair/ Leadership & Management 15/05/24  6 out of 6 meetings
Mary Selvester Co-opted Governing Body Leadership & Management / Joint Chair School Committee 30/04/24  6 out of 6 meetings
Claire Rilett Co-opted Governing Body Safeguarding / Joint Chair of School Committee 13/12/25  5 out of 6 meetings
Richard Floyd Co-opted  Governing Body Finance Lead / Leadership & Management 13/12/25  6 out of 6 meetings
Laura Gater Co-opted Governing Body School Committee KS2 Link 02/10/24  5 out of 6 meetings
Claire Samson Co-opted Governing Body School Committee KS1 Link 11/12/25  5 out of 6 meetings
Alice Gibson Staff Governing Body School Committee 31/07/24 N/A
Simon Booth Parent Governing Body Environment Committee 19/03/2027 5 out of 5 meetings
Manjit Singh LOA Governing Body Environment Committee 05/02/2026

5 out of 5 meetings

Zahra Bardai Parent Governing Body Chair/Leadership & Management 13/03/26  4 out of 6 meetings
Tim Coulson Headteacher Ex-Officio Leadership & Management  n/a 6 out of 6 meetings
Teresa Edwards Clerk     n/a  


Declared Relevant Business Interests

Mary Selvester - Teacher at a different school. Occasional supply teaching (declared 09/10/2017)

Other educational establishments governed or trusteeships held


Relationships with the school's staff

All remaining current Governors have no interests to declare.

Full register of interests of the Governing Body 2023/24 click here

Date of meeting

Monday 20 Mar 2023 Minutes 20 Mar 2023
Monday 22 May 2023 Valley Road FGB 22.05.23 Minutes
Monday 10 July 2023 Valley Road FGB 10.07.23 Minutes
Monday 16 Oct 2023

Valley Road FGB 16.10.23 Minutes

Monday 11 Dec 2023

Valley Road school 11.12.23

Monday 5 Feb 24 Valley Road FGB 05.02.24 Minutes

Monday 25 Mar 24

Valley Road FGB 25.03.24 Minutes


To contact the governing body, please email the school office and the email will be passed on. Email