Valley Road is committed to giving pupils the best start to their school life. Promoting regular attendance is part of this commitment. With good attendance pupils will have the opportunities they need to develop friendships, feel secure in school routines and gain maximum benefit from the educational experiences on offer.
Late arrivals
Please ensure your child arrives at school promptly, ready for the school day and ready to learn. If for any reason you are late, your child needs to come to the main office where they will be signed in.
Parents must phone the school office before 9 am on each day that their child is absent as the school must be able to account for all pupils in the morning. Please email the school office or leave a message on 01491 573784, with your child's name, class and full information on the nature of child's illness.
If your child is unwell with any sickness or diarrhoea, they must stay at home for 48 hours after their last bout.
Medical Appointments
These need to be made outside of school hours. Where this is not possible, please notify us as above (in advance where possible) and collect your child from the main office.